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The bottom-most panel of this comic shows a man having consensual sex his chonky (zoophilic codeword for "thicc") doggo under his desk.

ZGTOW (Zoos Going Their Own Way) is a philosophy originally espoused in 2019 by a member of the aptly-named, a zoophilia forum. It was created in opposition to the MGTOW movement (Men Going Their Own Way), advocating for men to seek sexual relationships with animals instead participating in copes/gynops that deny carnal sexual desire and inevitably lead men to kill themselves due to a lifetime of unreciprocated lust. By taking the zoopill, genuine relief of these desires is achieved through the aforementioned mutual intimate relationships with animals, thus preventing suicide. As such, zoo pride quite literally saves lives.

One must remember not to construe ZGTOW with the likes of Zoosadist fetishists, despite both being inherently sexual in nature. The former only pines for an affectionate and loving companionship, while the latter harbors a proclivity to harm animals.


Notable ZGTOW adherants

  • Adolf Hitler - Purportedly never had sex with a human in his lifetime, and spent considerably more time around Blondie (his dog) than Eva Braun (his hag wife).
  • Adam Britton

ZGTOW logo

Also see: Zoophilia