Morris the Steak (Series)
Morris the Steak is a 2024 animated action-adventure series created for Skibidi Farms. It is currently ongoing and is set to have one season, with the story to be continued in a spinoff. It is available to watch on Gnarpedia (see below), Skibidi Farms, and YouTube via the Skibidi Farms Video Archive.
Episode 1 - FOODIST UTTP 764
Episode 2 - Realm of "Ironic" Degeneracy
While on vacation, the titular character Morris' best friend, Sue, is transported to a "degeneracy dimension" by a passing scout from said dimension. After Morris kills the scout, a portal to the dimension opens before him, revealed to be created by Sue calling for help. After Morris enters the portal, he is transported to the dimension proper and encounters its overseer, the demonic shapeshifter Klasky, who is impervious to any form of damage while inside his home dimension (but is not immortal when in the outside world) who is revealed to have a history with Morris as he groomed him when he was a young boy. Klasky then attempts to capture Morris in order to molest him. However...
The main protagonist of the series. A sentient, talking slab of steak who communicates using soundbites of the song "Vacation" by Dirty Heads. He is staunchly opposed to degeneracy of any kind, regardless if ironic or not. When confronted with any form of perceived degeneracy, he will transform into Shin Morris, a more humanoid version of himself with more powers. His powers are as follows:
Morris' best friend. A sentient hybrid between a bust of the ancient greek poet Homer's head with the body of a larva who communicates using soundbites of the song "Oi Oi Oi" (original artist unknown).
Christ Seven
The main antagonist of the series.
Hauptmann Heathcote
Klasky's most loyal henchman.
Klasky's pet turtle.
The Zoonomalous Squad
A trio of assassins consisting of the following members:
Adam Britton
P. Diddy
Kris Tyson
Future episodes (spoilers)
Morris the Steak features characters that are based on the various inside jokes of Skibidi Farms, such as the main character being a fusion of Paul Morris and Charlie the Steak, as well as featuring users of the site itself such as Klasky Csupo THDTC TSPL as Klasky, Wickerkid as Heathcote, and liberoflove as Grey.
The series' style of animation is parodying content farm videos of the e e ei i'm on vacation (which features Charlie the Steak) and oi oi oi red larva memes, specifically by channels such as GoLuB, Mango Animation and Fluffy Meme, with the usage of deepfake imagery and zoomer meme sound effects.