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iFunny is a failed social media and Russian Bitcoin mining app launched in 26 April,2011. On itself, Ifunny is neither enjoyable to use or contains a community worth tolerating the abysmal UI. Despite all these setbacks, the app has come under moderate attention(and then immediately forgotten five minutes after) for a Chud community frequenting the app. This was achieved in part of Ifunny's absolutely dogshit automoderation. This makes it extremely easy to post milquetoast racism,but said algorithm is extremely trigger-happy and will take down any swastikas or Chud imagery. Even without extensive anti-fun measures, Ifaggots have failed to create anything of worth and are left in the mud by literally any other edgelord community in influence and popularity.


Ifunny does not diverge from a regular social media app like Instagram or Tiktok much with the exception of being a hundred times more dysfunctional and annoying to navigate. An user has the ability to like and "repub" posts(think of retweeting from X and reblogging from Tumblr). A user can use three different modes to access content being posted on the site:

Featured: Ifunny has an AI to choose a thousand or so posts per day to show up on here. Almost everything that appears here is mind-numbing repost slop. If you seek to get any kind of enjoyment out of Ifunny, it is highly advised you never touch this section.

Collective: This mode shows you the newest posts by ANYBODY on the site. Repost slop/pornography slop guaranteed.

Subscriptions: If you somehow found anyone there to be funny enough to follow, their posts and repubs will appear here. Provided you know enough decently funny people,this is the closest you'll get to enjoying Ifunny.

Meme Maker: Older versions of Ifunny came with an in-built rage comic editor. This has been removed from the app with no explanation and is yet to see a return.

Chat: This section serves as a rudimentary messaging app with the ability to make groupchats and send images. The only time you will use this is when you desperately need to contact someone or want to open up to a bunch of porn bots spamming you (which they still haven't fixed yet)

Map: Ostensibly to find out what Ifunniers are near you, but if you voluntarily give your location to FUNCORP,everything that will happen to you afterwards is natural selection.

Minigames: Around 2018-2020,playable mini-games revolving about memes could be played. Multiple of these existed, the most known being a Doodle Jump reskin with Ugandan Knuckles. This feature has been shelved and no footage of their gameplay is known to exist.