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BURN NIGGERS RAPE ALL NIGGERS (commonly shortened to just BNRAN) is a TriHard meme of a picture of a realistic Squidward with a knife staring at the viewer while Patrick in the background laying down (presumably dead)


It is unclear where the image of the realistic Squidward originated from, but it likely was made as a part of the Untoons fad of the late 2000s. At some point, this depiction of Squidward was also picked up by the YouTroon Poop community and dubbed "Skodwarde."

The BNRAN meme itself originated from when a Discord user of BURN NIGGERS RAPE ALL NIGGERS started mass DM'ing people in a TriHard adjacent server simply saying "WHO ARE YOU."

Sometime after, the user Flusacka made this user the focus of one of his TriHard Creepypastas videos, which cemented it as a meme in the community.


BNRAN has spread across several Discord communities, from hood irony to even a wiki page on Irony Wiki.


After a period of remaining in relative obscurity, as with all things, a Friday Night Funkin' mod was made out of it, aptly named VS BNRAN. Predictably, this gave rise to a lot of renewed interest in the meme, controversial at first as the mod contained images of real life dead niggers, however it lead to tons of fan content being made of it than ever, primarily from band kids in the FNF community. While this was endearing at first, the mod's follower base grew to a point where retards began flocking to it en masse, similar to how the Ronnie McNutt mod, Monday Night Live Leakin' turned out. As a result, the meme has become somewhat gentrified, with it only being a matter of time before it fully becomes TikTok-core normaltroon slop, as is the fate of most mainstay TriHard memes.