4chan, commonly referred to as "4cuck" by detractors, is a de facto abandoned imageboard created in 2003 by Christopher "moot" Pool after he could no longer goon his permanently flaccid micropenis fat girthy 12-incher to 2D child porn on SomethingAwful, that, despite its age, cripplingly outdated UI (sovl), and contemporary userbase's complete inability to innovate (TikTok holds that position now), manages to retain mainstream relevancy to this day through normalfag's sheer enamorment of the website. Seriously, if you want to convince someone of an opinion or worldview, attach it to a screenshot of a 4chan post - they will subliminally recognize it as more credible. Regardless, while being a depressing shell of its former self, 4chan remains a surprisingly decent website to post/lurk on in the grand scheme of things, as the majority of other platforms are hyperoptimized around feedback loops and short-form content.
Notable boards
/a/ - Anime & Manga
The root cause of all of 4chan’s problems, /a/ is an absolute shithole where oldfags (mostly moeshit worshippers) interminably parade themselves around MUH BOARD KULCHUR (despite nobody caring anymore) and pride themselves on a false sense of accomplishment for ‘gatekeeping’ (something they have never been successful at anyway). At least DBZposting is decently funny.
/tv/ - Television & Film
le baskin roberts board
also invented sneed
/v/ - Video Games
literal manchildren
despite efforts jannies still can't curb the vidyabutts poster
/int/ - International
/int/ is 4chan's dedicated 'flag' board. Many of the website's memes/cultural influences originated or were popularized from here, such as Polandball and soyjaks (euhck), and more recently, online mockery towards Indians, most notably Dedicated Shitting Street and the insult ethnic slur ‘pajeet.’ /int/ users are hypercontrarian by nature, and as such ‘thirdies’ (third worlders (SOVL)) are revered by the board’s populace while ‘firsties’ (first worlders (SOVLLESS)) are mocked. Stereotypes have also been developed for each flag, with examples like American being “mutts”, Latinx being white supremecists, Indonesians being pedophiles, Finns being flaming faggots, “butthurt” countries (Poland) constantly whining over their historical oppressors, etc.
Otherwise, it's essentially a SFW /bant/ because attaching some variation of "Does this happen in your country?" or "Internationally speaking," to a thread completely irrelevant to the board's topic is enough to stave off mods from deleting it.
/sp/ - Sports
/bant/ - International/Random
Has a very weird culture. This place sucks
/b/ - Random
Much like the website of 4chan itself in terms of being a shell of its former self.
/pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Second only to /b/ in terms of being a public toilet, /pol/, as the name suggests, is 4chan's politics """containment""" board. Don't expect any ACTUAL nuanced political discussion here though, as literally every user is either trying to maximize their (You)s (due to how insanely easy it is to bait on this board), ranting about borderline psychotic nonsense nobody cares about (usually involving religion), or parroting some mindnumbingly boring talking point about how trannies groom children or something. It is also allegedly filled to the brim with chatbots and unironic boomers who immigrated from Reddit (more specifically r/TheDonald), but these claims are dubious at best. Poltroons also have their fair share of boogeymen, namely trannies, Jews, /leftypol/, and more - larping as any of these is a surefire way to farm reactions from them.
Posting and baiting on /pol/ during real-world events/"happenings", ESPECIALLY around American election season, is some of the most fun you can have online.
/his/ - History & Humanities
An amalgamation of /int/, /x/, and /pol/ all into one, /his/ is complete with its own array of sperglords who will find a way to shoehorn their retarded hyperfixations (which are often only tangentially related to history) into literally ANY discussion, derailing it in the process - haploautists, agendaposters, religionfags, etc. People here in particular are severely autistic and will spend hours meticulously writing sham-intellectual walls of text in response to even the most lazy and obvious of bait.
/g/ - Technology
Contrary to what the boards name might imply, nobody here actually knows how to use technology. You can generate seethe from them by shilling for AI/basically any tech conglomerate or mocking Temple OS/Terry Davis (whom they worship) for being a schizophrenic, spastic retard who is rotting in hell in the deepest, darkest pits and depths of Hell for all eternity because Stallman's content is better.
/qa/ - Question & Answer
Originally a board for a moot Q&A but the board was kept open and served as a meta board for 4chan for a while. Basically was an SFW version of /b/ and many factions often had conflicts with eachother. Board was closed on November 4th 2021 after the raid of /lgbt/
/cm/ - Cute/Male
this board is awesome!
/fa/ - Fashion
/soc/ - Social
Foids and faggots, but mostly gooners, infest this place, although there have been reports of MAP activity here and there as well
/s4s/ - Shit 4chan Says
Unfunny and boring
/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender
Great board filled with a mix of threads, from contact generals where users can meet big dick trxns ladies to confession generals where valid qweens recount how they were raped at age 7
/vt/ - Vtrooners
actual subhumans. psycheshattered by annoying orange
/mlp/ - My Little Pony