Minor Attracted Person
A Minor Attracted Person (abbreviated to MAP), is a person who exudes a sexual preference to those who happen to be defined as "minors" (those listed as below the Age of Consent, or Age of Majority, via local jurisdiction law.) Despite easily being amongst some of the most heavily marginalized groups on the planet, MAPs have managed to implant themselves in more popular internet culture, though efforts to popularize the movement in the real-life western world have waned as decades worth of (((restrictions))) placed upon them continue to pile up, as seen with the recent legislation raising the AoC from 13 to 16 in the country of Japan. (Japan is a westernized nation, therefore it counts.)
Despite the inherent non-partisanship of pedosexuality (sexual attraction to children is built into human nature,) MAPs are also victims of extreme levels of prejudice from all wings of the political spectrum. It has become a pasttime of those involved with modern politics to negatively label anyone that happens to disagree with their convictions a "pedophile." This is more often than not a complete and utter projection and a telltale sign of internalized anti-MAPs. You can help lead these people to a path of redemption by morphing their shallow understanding of sexuality into a belief that better accompanies their pedosexual tendencies - and eventually usher them out of the MAP closet.
Additionally, one particular study has revealed that over one-third of people who are attracted to minors have experienced suicidal thoughts and another showed that 23% have attempted suicide. With these factors combined, people convicted of illegal sexual activity with minors and non-contact offenders may be 100 times more at risk for suicide compared to the general population.
Minor attracted communites
Unfortunately, as previously stated, the vast majority of the MAP community's activities take place online almost exclusively, as a result of the brutal oppression perpetrated by practically every (((Western))) world government, as well as its loyal cronies (normalfags.) MAPS typically congregate on the following websites listed below.
A large amount of shota/loli art is posted on Pixiv, a site hosted in Japan (where shota and loli is considered completely within legal boundaries.) Statistics show that most users of the site hail from the United States of America (where, in some states, shota/loli IS illegal, though this law is essentially de jure, rarely being enforced unless the Feds have a very personal conviction against you), though there have been certain cases where particular users went under fire for posting photorealistic art of children generated by AI. It is also important to note that Pixiv HRs and executives have also been occasionally accused of sexually harassing employees working for the company.
Most MAPs also tend to use the fediverse, which is essentially a "federation" (hence the name) of thousands of websites capable of communicating with each other, the main selling point/gimmick being that each website can be easily personalized by its host, accompanying their own set of rules and laws. It eventually was earned the name Pediverse by Antis (a portmanteau of "pedophile" and "universe,") due to the large amount of MAPs flocking to decentralized instances willing to accept them, due to the strict aversion towards MAP ideology on the predominant social media platforms. Many of these instances have been victims of constant raiding committed by fun hating chuds (unsurprisingly,) most notably childlove.su, which is unfortunately now defunct.
CP (also known as CSAM, Cheese Pizza, or 'p as denoted by soytroons) has almost exclusively been found on the Dark Web/Tor since 2007. Though there is a manifold of notable websites a plethora of child porn content, namely Yardbird and ViolentDesires, you can easily find literal, actual CP on the clearnet, as well as in certain medias and films. These photographs and videos are legally taken under the guise of them being "artistic" and "naturalist," which is, of course, perfectly reasonable and in no way should be questioned whatsoever. There are also certain countries (with the exception being that of Western states, despite child porn being a uniquely aryan practice) where either the practice of both distributing and downloading CP is completely lawful. Some countries, such as Russia, forbid the distribution of such content, though take zero issue with the actual downloading of it. There were also some small enclaves of time in modern Western European history where the creation, distrubution, and consumption of child porn was entirely legalized, particularly in the countries of France and Denmark.
Shota and Loli are quite different compared to CP, as, unlike CP, you can luckily find both on the clearnet and usually avoid the repercussions you'd normally face if you were to commit what is essentially the thoughtcrime of downloading CP. Similarly to as previously mentioned, legality varies throughout country and state. Examples include:
Forums: AllTheFallen
Imageboards: 4chan's /b/, 8chan and 7chan
Boorus: AllTheFallen, Rule34 Paheal
Communities that have MAPs in them
- Kiwi Farms - The owner of the Kiwi Farms, Null, has numerous IRC chats of him admitting to being a gay pedophile (gigabased.)
- Encyclopedia Dramatica - PAX (.online owner) is friends with pompompurin, who was found out to have CP on his drive. Another former owner of ED who was in Lulzsec has also had CP saved on his drive.
- BreachForums - pompompurin (owner) was found to have CP on his drive. Baphomet (friend of pom) took control of the site and is currently running it now.
- TriHard Community - Numerous legions were exposed to have pedophiles in them in November 2020. Oiler_lovers_fan77 was found to have illegal (child porn) TriHard shockers in his "Safe" playlist.
- Soyjak.party - In a leak by a janny in May 2023, it showed that Kuz had some concerning post history, CP was also stickied by a mod that day (Most people knew about this leak, but then moved on).
- 4chan - Used to have lots of "Mods are asleep ..." CP threads on /b/ that quickly got 404'd, most pedophiles have confirmed that they got hooked on it from 4chan, Usenet, or P2P. 4chan was confirmed to also have a loli board before being finally deleted in in late 2004.
- 8chan - Owner of 8chan kept up pedophilia boards because of "freedom of speech" (which is a valid reason tbh)
MAP sexuality, or pedosexuality, was considered standard for almost the entirety of pre-modern human civilization. The very concept of "pedophilia" (and if the term were to exist, then entire societies would have been considered to be balanced around pedophilia) barely existed until first-wave feminists arrived in the late 19th century and began to agitate for a plethora of draconian laws, one of the main focuses being the enactment of Age of Consent reform. Prior to this, most western states (as well as non-western) either had zero postulation on AoC, or kept it reasonably low (take the early United States, for example; the majority of states codified an AoC that healthily ranged between 10-13.)
During the classical antiquity epoch (as in reference to Greco-Roman culture, which is unanimously considered the most prosperous society of the ancient world,) pedophilia, or pederasty in this case, was heavily honoured and paraded as a sophisticated practice (as it should be.) These notions were ultimately torn down by Abrahamic (literal) Jews who swayed retarded masses via slave morality into accepting their NWO, and thus pederasty fell out of fashion.
Types of MAPs
Primarily, there are two types of MAPs: Boylovers and Girllovers, each with their own respective symbols and terminology. Other words used to refer to them include "shotacon" and "lolicon," respectively. Despite what their superficial similarities might seem to imply, the two are actually quite different.
List of well-known shotacons
- Ancient Greece
- Roman aristocrats
- Ovid
- Feudal Japan
- Ancient China
- Ottomans (righteous successors of Rome)
- Mehmet II
- Ali Pasha
- Leonardo Da Vinci
- Michael Jackson
- The Pope
- The entirety of the Catholic Church
- Jey Mammon
- Mr. Swirl
- Null
- The Dalai Lama
- Judge Holden
- 20th-century French philosophers
- Me
- Vladimir Putin
List of well-known lolicons
- Latinx "people"
- Some goatfuckers in the desert
- Modern incel Japan
- Trannies
- 4chan users
- Right-Wing Twitter
- Muhammad (PBUH)
- Elvis Presley
- EDP445
- Peter Scully
- Jeffery Epstein
- Hunter Biden
- Oskar Dirlewanger
- Lavrentiy Beria