Safe Edgy
‘Safe edgy’ is a misappropriated term used by dissident rightoids to describe normalfag leftoid’s tendencies to make (socially acceptable) racist jokes about historically dominant races such as the Bri’ish (pronouncing it like this especially triggers them) and French, while simultaneously pearl clutching over offensive jokes made about ‘protected’ minorities, among other things. However, the reality is that the majority of said rightoids are the epitomizations of safe edgy themselves, because, like leftoids, their moral compasses, or ‘edge factors,’ are completely decided by some fake, arbitrary worldview they adopted online to fit in with their new (totally not groomer) innerwebz friends, where they never have to worry about facing the consequences of acting out on their own perceptions of ‘edgy,’ because their entire communal circlejerk will have zero problem with them screaming “NIGGER” over and over like a retarded spastic or posting the same stale image of a dead African for the 1000th time, but will experience literal BPD-foid-tier neurotic episodes when presented with something that is ACTUALLY unsafe edgy and challenges their asinine morality, for instance zoosadism and (genuine, not the spineless lolicuck variation) pedophilia.