China (also known as the People's Republic of China, i.e. the PRC; 中国 – pinyin: "Zhōngguó," literally meaning "Middle Kingdom"; True Taiwan and "The country that obliterates brown hordes in the deserts of Xinjiang") is a country in East Asia with the second most land area in it's continent, third globally; has the second biggest population in the world, just being behind India; and is the next up-and-coming hyperpower threatening to topple the judeo-anglo unipolar global-hegemony. The Han Master Race calls this country home, and this country, is, was (except in the 19th and 20th century), and will be the hegemonic power of East Asian civilization.
It's Future
Since the average of IQ of China is 105, 6 points above the average IQ of European countries, this country saw explosive economic and technological growth in the 2010s despite having an inefficient economic system (socialism with chinese characteristics i.e. a mix of socialism and corporate-fascism). If it was a liberal free-market economy like Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, or Japan, it would have easily Blown the Judeo-Anglo world order (ZOG controlled US, UK and UN) the fuck out and establish itself as THE global hegemony. This country is projected to continue growing in the 2020s and the foreseeable future and continue to establish itself as a world power. It is seeing steady economic growth (it's GDP is projected to grow around 3% to 5% annually) and is developing at a moderately fast pace (in the 2000s and 2010s, the country's Human Development Index or HDI rose by 2.5 points, placing it in the "high human development" category with a currently hovering around 7.9, and it's possibly around 8.1 disregarding backwater shitholes like Xinjiang and Tibet). In addition to that, because greater investment in it's education system, China will escape the middle income trap and attain high-income status in the mid-2030s
It is highly likely that this nation will be responsible for the west's century of humiliation (2050-2150) and make the European people atone for what they did to the Qing.