Right Wing X
Right Wing X is an X (formerly known as Twitter (duh)) sub-culture/community that may very well be the single most insufferable, mindnumbingly annoying cesspit on the entirety of the interwebs. They are most infamous for their complete and utter creative bankruptcy - producing absolutely zero OC themselves, rather regurgitating memes adopted from other edgy spaces (and running them into the ground in the process).
The culture consists of a melting pot of various subcommunities, the most notable being soytroonery which has been prevalent ever since the days of "X has fallen billions must Y", as well as animefaggery, where accounts that are essentially glorified porn repositories cry about issues nobody cares about. since many of these """people""" previous to their arrival to X were outcasts residing in backwaters no one gives a shit about, and rightfully so since their mere fetid presence is an inverse midas touch for any website unfortunate enough to seem vaguelly accepting of them, so its not particularly uncommon for them to reference with rose tinted glasses these places or try to participate in elitist circlejerks so they can feel better about themselves , take no heed to this.
ReportGOD Groupchat / RGGC
Niggas only notable fame is when they sent Lucas Gage (whomst?) Talmuds
Nuclear, or James G. Chew, is an ugly, pizzafaced, britbong, moesludge-addicted quasi-tranny, failed-atheist orthodox-larping, unremarkable failtroll known only for founding the RGGC. He himself is quite boring, having zero interests outside of Niptoons and politics, and you can expect the archetypal smug/condescending tranime watcher responses from him. James also constantly gloats his supposed intelligence and white/"sephirothic" eloquence but is noticeably low verbal-IQ in actual conversation.
Pearchud (currently undoxxed) is a "white" (not really) mestizo-passing britbong Burgerlander that fakes a British accent in videos for some reason who prides himself with a shitty pear-themed OC and a new game he is releasing called "Soypath"
Pearchud also likes to do frequent raids on trannies by qrt'ing posts made by them and telling his sheep following base to go and spam brainless RWX shit like always.
Austin Jekyll / Allah
I wouldn't blame you if you thought he was a muslim or at the very least an ISIS larper judging by his name, but nope! He is a fat, walled wigger who reveals his face and full legal name like a complete retard, unaware that all of his future employers will be embarrassed at his retarded online footprint.