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W*men, commonly known as foids, whores, hags, cunts, bitches, and a large plethora of other terms, are the direct antithesis of men. They are world-infamous for being an absolute and utter affront to essentially every facet of humanity, and, as such, nearly every problem on Earth, both past and present, can be solely attributed to the fact of their continued existence.


Originally, things were, for a time, not always like the foid-induced nightmarish reality we currently reside in. In the beginning, God created the first two humans on earth, Adam and Steve, in his own image. For a time, everything seemed to be in harmony, the concept of a "woman" being entirely non-existent in the first place. Unfortunately, Satan, disguising himself by taking the form of a serpent, slowly groomed Steve into transitioning into a cute femboy, shortly thereafter performing humankind's very first bottom surgery, bringing the very first foid into corporeality. This event is objectively known as the 'original sin,' though there is, strangely, a large opposition who deny this fact, namely Christkikes, who to this day desperately attempt to peddle various different falsehoods in order to conceal the truth.

Unfortunately, due to f*males being the "life"forms capable of human reproduction (secluding the fact that their reproductive system is entirely reliant on male sperm,) humans (as it would be a direct contradiction to classify a woman as belonging to the homosapien species) have had to tolerate their seemingly-endless bullshit since the very beginning of time - though as science develops and the notion of wombless gestation draws ever-so-closer to the possibility of being a reality with each passing day, it can be easily declared with good conscience that women will cease to exist as an individual species within the next century.

Foidly Traits

Anything negative that can be said of a man's personality is the basis of what makes up a w*man. Weakness, greed, selfishness, tendency to manipulate, bouts of aggression, and disloyalty/dishonesty are all extremely common traits found in women. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, modern society has essentially done nothing in order to circumvent these traits, and would rather obsequiously glorify them instead, further proving the objective fact that men are the true oppressed class of society.

Physically, the most basic of traits that separate f*males from their male counterparts include the breasts (though gynaecomastia exists, and in rare cases, men are well-within the capability of lactation,) the vagina, and, of course, above all, carrying XX chromosomes, in contrast to the male species' XY chromosomes. There are also a various amount of subtle differences between the bodies and physiognomies of w*men and men, the most palpable example being that of the male/female bone structures. This trait alone is also why it is particularly easy to clock transgender individuals and also most definitely responsible for their extraordinary high suicide rate, which, ironically, in itself is a masculine characteristic, as foids are practically incapable of successfully committing suicide compared to men and would much rather spend the next decade teasing the idea (while simultaneously attentionwhoring) by making slight horizontal slits on their wrists (a foid will NEVER slit vertically) and subsequently posting it to their orbiting Discord clique.

It is no secret that for most of human history, effeminate behaviour has been collectively looked down upon by society. Despite this, the seemingly beyond-saving longhoused retards that unfortunately seem to make up the majority of modern-day men feel obliged to relentlessly pursue the misplaced sense of a meaningful "relationship" with a w*man, which in itself is entirely impossible due to the fact that man-woman relationships are transactional by nature, instead of coming to their senses and rightfully demeaning their existence as the human race should have done a long time ago.


Feminism is undeniably one of the worst things ever possibly conceived by the pathetic excuses of "human" beings labelled "women." It essentially epitomizes practically everything that is wrong with human civilization, and as such is responsible for 99% of modern problems men are forced to face within a day-to-day basis. Feminism had practically zero standing throughout the entirety of human history, as even the majority of most basic of human civilizations understood that women are inherently meant to play a subservient role when juxtaposed next to men, and opposing these ideals otherwise could easily lead to disasters of epic proportions. Those who believe otherwise are labelled as "longhoused," a historical reference to the often matriarchal lifestyles of Proto-Europeans (those who populated Europe prior to Yamnaya invasion,) a race well-known for committing copious amounts of female idolatry.

Modern feminism arose around late 19th century, particularly in the western world, as foids jealously observed the immense success enjoyed by men during the fruitful industrial revolutions. As such, foids led mass-scale protests and strikes, agitating for some of the most draconian, most tyrannical laws in history, easily rivalling the likes of despots such as Hitler, that still violently shake the male population to this day, such as the age of consent reform presented by early f*minists. Coincidentally, immense societal decline has been noticed ever since the very day w*men were given the right to vote, especially in the United States with the ratification of the 19th amendment.

Eventually, w*men were somehow dissatisfied with everything that society had offered to them, despite the fact that practically every women on the planet continued to live lush and easy lives free of the commonplace plights men have to face, culminating in what is referred to as the second wave of feminism, which granted even more rights to foids (which, in itself, was almost entirely funded by Jews.) Third/fourth-wave feminism (third-wave taking place in the 90s, and fourth-wave being considered the post-modern version of feminism, with an emphasis on gender identity or whatever other buzzwords libtards like to use in reference to trannies) are essentially modern nothingburgers, and can be dumbed down to women once again crying about non-issues (which, hilariously, has backfired upon them with the advent of "TERFs," who are wholly unaware of the fact that it was their own actions that brought the arrival of trannies in the first place.)


Though there are (arguably) thousands of different variations of w*men, it must be constantly reminded of you that the characteristics and traits that lay down the foundations of what makes up a foid's are entirely superficial, the truth being that, at their core, all foids are essentially the exact same soulless husks animated by their sad excuse of what they call a personality.


The extremely vast majority of practically every woman this side of the galaxy falls under this category, and those who don't are more than likely simply repressing their innate desire to do so. In the case of straightoids, finding a virgin woman is a practical impossibility, and thus they are presented with the options of simply just giving up their lust for women entirely and forcibly converting themselves into a homosexual, or alternatively selecting random women off the street and practicing their sexual desires onto them via rape.

Cluster B

While cluster B personality disorders are also an applicable diagnosis towards men, the behaviours exhibited by foids who carry a cluster B personality disorder are extraordinarily more apparent, and, at times, utterly horrifying. Borderline Personality Disorder, commonly abbreviated to BPD, is easily the most outstanding example to come out of cluster B, and is attributed to the creation of the worst set of human beings on the entire planet.

Anyone unfortunate to come across a w*man diagnosed with this disorder will immediately take note of their absolutely abhorrent behaviour and violent, erratic, and unexplainable tendencies to lash out for absolutely no purpose, causing incredible, and often permanent damage to both the environment and the psych of the people around them. Women diagnosed with this disorder are commonly and rightfully referred to as "BPDemons."

Cluster B is also includes other terms, such as Narcissistic Personality disorder, which is entirely a story of its own magnitude, though it would not be wrong to proclaim that foid behaviour is inherently symptomatic of every disorder that already exists under this umbrella.


As if they weren't constantly pampered by essentially every facet of society enough already, foids decided to subvert one of the few movements that clearly states its main ideals in defiance against WOMEN themselves, that being the incel community. In doing so, they happened to coin the term "femcel," a portmanteau of "female" and "celibate," and labelled it upon themselves, mainly as to draw even more attention to themselves.

Regardless, anyone with an IQ even slightly above room temperature should immediately recognize the fact that, the word "femcel" in itself is both a misnomer and an oxymoron for a multitude of reasons, as it is fundamentally impossible for a women to be a celibate, nor could they ever imagine coming even a PINCH close to the experiences that male incels have to withstand on a daily basis.

However, the sad truth is that foids really could not give less of a shit about either of those things, and as already stated, would rather indulge themselves in the culture for the purpose of attracting retarded, desperate men online who drool and fawn over the thought of a "femcel," typically as a result of the culmination of all of their taboo porn fetishes. The majority of self-proclaimed fem"cels" also fall within the aforementioned Cluster B aggregation.


Female to Males, otherwise referenced to as "pooners," as the pejorative "tranny" is almost exclusively used in regard to Male to Females, are, surprisingly, among some of the only tolerable foids on the entire planet. Though trooning out already comes with the (often severe) cost of your dignity, pooners make it even harder upon themselves by essentially discarding their womanhood, which, in today's current society, is basically a get-out-of-jail-free card utilizable in almost any situation (this fact is also comorbid with the current incel crisis, where we see perfectly fine young men 'transition' themselves and horrifically alter their bodies to look like that of a w*men for the purpose of attaining these privileges, which in itself is a horrifying prospect, because w*men are disgusting.)

Though the large majority of pooners, to put it frankly, do not pass in the slightest, neither physically or mentally, there are occasional rare examples of unclockable pooners who pass perfectly as a men, atleast when certain traits such as genitals/top scars are disregarded. Regardless of whether a pooner passes or not, there is a certain level of respect that must be personally held for them, as it is obviously apparent they have realized the total superiority of men, and have thus followed suit via transitioning/self-detoxification of otherwise foidly traits.

There have been many disputations among top TFD (Total Foid Death) scientists as to whether pooners will be spared in the inevitable culling, and the debate continues to rage on to this day.

W*men Elsewhere

Unfortunately, w*men are inescapable in almost every facet of everday life. This includes all the media and products you consume, unlike niggers, which can be rather easily avoided by doing something watching cartoons predating the 2000's (though in all honesty, you are a soyboy to begin with if you genuinely care about le niggerinos 'ruining' media you enjoyed beforehand.) This is especially more noticeable now than ever with the rise of feminism, with ugly foids largely taking center-stage for the majority of modern goyslop media that Hollywood or whatever other Jew conglomerate pumps out. Tranime is an example of media that can easily be considered foid-centric, with entire fucking shows dedicated to the sole purpose of autist-color-palette tranime foids shrieking in a foreign chinksectoid language, and therefore slop.

W*men are also INCREDIBLY prevalent on the internet, though their influence, albeit not entirely avoidable, begins to wane depending on what section or community of the internet you find yourself in - for example, while w*men might be an extremely common sight on mainstream social media platforms such as Instagram or Snapchat, you will very rarely see them in other online spaces such as imageboards. Despite this, they manage to find themselves responsible for the degradation of almost every online community, regardless of creed (an obvious example being the co-opting of incel culture.) In fact, it would not be hyperbolic to say that foids have singlehandedly caused more damage to online discussion than trannies, chuds, and third-worlders combined. You can contribute to fighting foidly presence on the internet by both harassing and blocking foids, and also informing others regarding the endless dangers of befriending foids and unbegrudgingly welcoming them into personal communities.

Sadly, the truth is that the only real option you have to avoid w*men altogether is confining yourself to an echo chamber of complete silence for the rest of your life, or alternatively going entirely off the radar and living in the wild, finally applying the survival skills you've learned over your life to good use. These initially might seem like hard choices to make, though most (intelligent) men eventually come to realize that these would likely be more preferable to the torture that is listening to the average foid's banshee shrilling every day for the rest of their lives.

Total Foid Death

Total Foid Death, abbreviated to TFD, or refered to as the Catnapocalypse by esotericists, is a prophecy that foretells the complete and utter annihilation of all w*men on Earth. This event would likely undoubtedly usher in a new golden age of humanity where men are free to rule the world as they did in ages long past without w*manly intervention, free to live life void of the worldwide behavioural sink cultivated by the very existence of women. As previously mentioned on this page, it has been estimated that the total obliteration of the foid species is a likely capability within the next 100 years, the most apparently obvious solution that being of mass-scale chemical warfare. This is, of course, planned to occur subsequently after the inevitable advent of asexual reproduction.

TFD is also commonly misconstrued to mean "Total Furry Death" (which, in itself, is fine, though it must be remembered that Total Foid Death absolutely always must come first in the order of operations) or "Total Faggot Death," which is a complete and utter misuse of the term and automatically places anyone in usage of this misnomer on the Total Foid Death blacklist, regardless of their gender.

What Can Substitute For a Foid

The aftermath of Total Foid death will have it's consequences. Since most men, specifically straightoids, have their brains hardwired to crave the affection of foids, having a substitute for foids is an absolute must or else there would be a mental health crisis of unprecedented levels. Valid substitutes include:

Rubber Sex doll - satisfies our sex needs and our need for physical affection

Android Waifu - In a distant future where androids are indistinguishable from humans and have AGI, android waifus will become a superior substitute to the aforementioned sex doll. Can be impregnated if it has a synthetic womb.

Tulpa GF - An entity that lives in your head willed into existence through intense concentration and meditation.

Artificial Womb - We need to reproduce and continue the human species somehow

The Catnapocalyptic Whitelist

  • Bella the Wolf and Meowbahh
  • Overweight black women (for comedy relief)
  • Sub3 women (for suppressing male sex drives)
  • Fujoshis (for drawing gay porn)
  • Camerawomen, Speakerwomen, and TVwomen
  • Astro Duchess
  • My mom
  • Peter Scully's girlfriend/female accomplices
  • The girl smoking the cigarette in the No Limits Fun logo
  • Hawk Tuah girl
  • Ice Spice
  • Transgender women
  • Zoopilled women
  • 4B women
  • onEvidence employees

A Comprehensive List of Things W*men are Good at

  • Having sex with niggers
  • Birthing nigger progeny
  • Complaining
  • Screeching
  • Gold digging
  • Faking suicide
  • Driving
  • Virtue Signalling